Content Distribution Networks (CDN) #
Research and projects related to CDNs.
CDN Market Share #
As part of exploring the consolidation of CDNs and Internet infrastructure and its impacts, Merrill and Narechania measure the number of CDNs used by the top 15 million websites (based on the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX)), finding that 11 providers control 99% of the CDN market.
Appendix Table 1 (from the paper, recreated here):
Provider | Market Share |
Cloudflare | 75.6 |
Fastly | 7.7 |
Amazon CloudFront | 5.9 |
Akamai | 5.3 |
Sucuri | 2.3 |
DDoS-Guard | 1.3 |
Ezoic | 0.9 |
Imperva | 0.9 |
ArvanCloud | 0.4 |
StackPath | 0.4 |
Variti | 0.3 |
CDNetworks | 0.1 |
Bunny CDN | 0.1 |
Edgio | 0.1 |
GoCache | 0.1 | | 0.1 |
Qrator | 0.1 |
Section | 0.1 |
Paper #
Nick Merrill & Tejas N. Narechania, Inside the Internet, 73 Duke Law
Journal Online 35-76 (2023). Available at:
author = {Merill, Nick and Narechania, Tejas N.},
title = {Inside the Internet},
year = {2023},
month = jun,
day = 1,
journal = {Duke Law Journal Online},
volume = 73,
pages = "35--76",
url = {},
Code #
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